Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday fun day

We had a low-key Easter, including attending an egg hunt at the park in our neighborhood.
There were plastics eggs as far as the eye could see... well, as far as little kid eyes could see anyway.

My nephew collected some Easter goodies (Ben is guarding them) and we got out of the house on a nice, though slightly chilly morning.

Ben is making great progress in the growing up department. He is holding the head up with minimal wobbling and he is close to sitting up without help.

It's hard to believe he will be 4 months old in just a couple weeks.

We are having fun watching his little changes that seem to happen on a daily basis.

I hope everyone had a nice an Easter as we did.

1 comment:

Z. Marie said...

I LOVE this photo! The Easter bunny at our apartment complex's egg hunt was somewhat scary-looking, so I didn't try to have him hold Owen.